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Tennis For The Body


Certified Tennis Teaching Professional

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George W. Martin IV

My Tennis Background


My Influences

I started playing tennis in the summer of 1969 while 

continuing to play baseball, the only sport I thought I wanted to do.  My mother was an educator who taught physical education and dance on the junior and senior high school and college levels.  Her teachings exposed me to different kinds of sports which helped me at a young age to develop body control, movement rhythm, quickness, and strength.  My involvement in athletics gave me a good understanding of just how the ball bounces and the body moves.


Why Play Tennis?

During that time where baseball was all I wanted to do, my coach would move me from position to position depending on where he needed my strengths and as a result we won our little division, 2 years in a row.  Because of my competitiveness and abilities and despite my being younger, the league moved me to a higher age group.   But this older team did not want to work hard to improve, so we lost every game that season even though I gave 

my all.  That was too discouraging and disappointing for me at that age so I put my glove down and picked up a racket.  At least that way I knew my energies would be awarded according to my efforts and not dependent on others.  Because my mother was out of school during the summer, she taught tennis for the Recreation and Parks department.  It was through these programs and other tennis players offering to help that I initially learned to play tennis.  I read all the magazines and played every chance I could get with anyone who was willing to take the time to give me pointers.  I improved quickly and began playing tournaments at the age of 12.  I did well in the Recreation and Parks department's tournaments and the local American Tennis Association (ATA) tournaments

but when it came to the  higher level, United States Tennis Association (USTA) tournaments, I was not polished enough and always felt  like I was missing something.


The Difference

I started teaching tennis at age 15 in the Recreation and Parks programs for a summer job.  The summer I was 16,

I had an opportunity to spend time in New York with my father and work with a United States Professional Tennis Association (USPTA) teaching professional who gave me the information and skills I was missing.  Now guided in the right direction and with improved skills, my abilities and talents helped me become a top ranked player and eventually I landed a tennis scholarship at Howard University.  I was elected co-captain my freshman year and captain for the remaining 3 years playing in the number one position my junior and senior years.  In the summer after my junior year I trained 6 hours a day which was harder and more organized than I had ever trained and as a result won all the tournaments except two and was the runner up in both of those tournaments.



Still Something Missing

I started my senior season in the number one position, won all my matches and lead my team in a collegiate tournament we had never won before.  After I won the singles and doubles, I knew I now had what it took to play top level tennis but then 2 hours later I cut my playing hand and had to get 13 stitches.  In the collegiate tournament the following weekend, I played with the stitches, tore all of them out and despite the discomfort I still finished in 2nd place.  It seemed like everything hit at once.  I was out for 6 weeks and then after returning for about two months, tore ligaments on top of my foot and was out for 4 more weeks.  After the injuries I returned to the court but I was unable to reach the same performance level and I had no idea why.  I did the same training and rigorous regiment I had done the previous summer but something was missing again!  I knew  It wasn't because of the injuries but something was not there and I could not find the reason at that time.  Now after teaching for over 45 years, I now know what was missing back then.  My goal is to share that knowledge with people so that they don't experience that feeling of "I'm giving my all and something is still missing!"  What I've learned will give every and anyone the tools to learn and build a better foundation and understanding of the game of tennis even at the entry level.


ways you can improve from all that i have learned

Over the past 45 years of teaching and learning I have put together this comprehensive, informative and visual group of ways to help you grow your game of tennis.


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george W. Martin IV






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